Title: Renewal Author: raikune Rating: G Series: Lost Characters: Esau, Aaron Summary: What once was will happen again. AU. 98 words. Prompt: drabble-a-day #4 - just lke heaven @writerverse
[click to read] The island makes an odd sort of heaven, Esau thinks, but in a way, it's just right. What once was will be again...and again. And once more he
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Title: Sunrise Rating: G Series: LOST Character: Jacob Summary: Western!AU. Jacob pursues the Man in Black across the desert. 510 words. Prompt: 011 - sunrise @100_tales, challenge 17 @fictionland
This is part of lost_land's 20in20. My overall theme was the Man in Black, referred to as Esau. Let the Lost drabble dump begin! No titles because I can't think of any ;P
Prompt: Far away Characters: kid!Esau, kid!Jacob Rating: G Notes: 139 words.
Title: fear the unknown Rating: G Author: raikune Recipient: vio55 Series: Lost Characters: Richard, young!Ben Summary: He has something he wants to protect. For 31days_exchange. 314 words. Prompt: 23 - running out of lullabies
Title: the sacrifice Rating: G Author: raikune Recipient: vio55 Series: Lost Characters: Richard, young!Ben Summary: You can't take it back. For 31days_exchange. 112 words. Prompt: 02 - press your fingers into all the holes you made